1979 Kawasaki Tournament of Champions Invader #5

(special thanks to Jay "Rude Dog" Carsley)

Eric...heres some more & the brief story of our T.O.C. Invader.  We bought
the sled from Kawasaki in Jan. of 79 after the first TOC race was held in
Owatonna Mn.  Our dealer rep. told us at the time that it was the only one of
the orig. 13 that came to New England.  We rode it for 2 winters & then sold
it.  I started looking for it in the winter of 97.   After tracking it thru 8
owners & 3 State depts. of registry , I hit a dead end in April of 98.  When
I returned from my honeymoon in August of 98 my brother informed me that a
guy had come to our dealership & said he had a sled that we had sold new &
wanted some info.  You guessed it...the pics he had with him were of the TOC.
Our dealership decal had remained intact for 19 years & led it back to us.
We bought it back in Oct. of 98.

(click on an image to see a bigger photo)

TOC #5 the sled as we got it back. along with the parts sleds we
stripped to restore it

The infamous # 5 the week we finished restoration

 My sled I rode in high school at the VSCA show in Waitsfield Vt.
( along with my Twister) & on display in our showroom along with Dads 75
Thunder Jet , my Twister,my 550 Interceptor & our Fox Trac Spoiler 760. Nice
to get your high school sweetheart back !!!!!!!!!!!!

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